Colorectal Screening
This section contains the clinical practice guidelines followed in Alberta.

Alberta guidelines for follow-up colonoscopy and post polypectomy surveillance
These are the Alberta guidelines for follow-up colonoscopy and post polypectomy surveillance

Recommendations for Post Polypectomy Surveillance (Summary Table)
View the Recommendations for Post Polypectomy Surveillance (Summary Table)

Colonoscopy Surveillance Algorithm.
Colonoscopy surveillance algorithm (poster)

Information for Primary Care Providers on the New 2023 Post Polypectomy Surveillance Recommendations for Alberta
Information for Primary Care Providers on the New 2023 Post Polypectomy Surveillance Recommendations for Alberta

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Practice Summary
View the PDF of the clinical practice summary.

Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program standards and guidelines
The program standards and guidelines provides the evidence and/or consensus-based quality and safety “points of reference” such that quality and safe care and services to all individuals in Alberta.

Does my patient need a FIT?
This one page flowchart summarizes the guidelines for colorectal cancer screening. Call 1-866-727-3926 to order a (size: 9×11″) poster.

When to use FIT for healthcare providers
This one-page resource provides important information about when healthcare providers should consider the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) for an asymptomatic patient. Call 1-866-727-3926 to order

Common Questions about Colorectal Cancer Screening
This brochure is designed for patients to understand common questions related to colorectal cancer screening.

Common Questions about FIT (for patients)
This info sheet provides information about colorectal cancer screening by FIT for patients.

Frequently Asked Questions about FIT for physicians
This one-page resource contains frequently asked questions and answers for physicians about the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT).

Step by Step Instructions for a FIT Test
This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT)

AHS Colorectal Postcard
This postcard size handout provides information on screening and the FIT test.

AHS Colorectal Poster
This poster provides information on screening and the FIT test

FIT Collection Instructions (Brochure)
This brochure provides step-by-step instructions on how to collect a stool sample for the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT).

FIT Collection Instructions
This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT). This instruction sheet is included in FIT kits from the lab.

FIT Collection Instructions (Francais)
Instructions pour le test immunochimique fécal (TIF). This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in French.

FIT Collection Instructions (Spanish)
Instrucciones para la prueba inmunoquímica fecal (FIT). This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in Spanish.

FIT Collection Instructions (Arabic)
تعلیمات خاصة بفحص الدم الخفي في البراز. This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in Arabic.

FIT Collection Instructions (Chinese Traditional)
糞便免疫化學檢測 (FIT) 說明. This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in Traditional Chinese.

FIT Collection Instructions (Simplified Chinese)
粪便免疫化学测试 (FIT) 说明. This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in Simplified Chinese.

FIT Collection Instructions (German)
Anweisungen für den Fäkalen Immunchemie-Test (FIT). This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in German.

FIT Collection Instructions (Punjabi)
This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in Punjabi.

FIT Collection Instructions (Vietnamese)
This two-page information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT) in Vietnamese.

NEW Bowel Preparation Instructions (4-litre such as CoLyte or Peglyte) 2024
This handout has been updated with information from a number of sources and working groups and is now applicable to all brands of 4L prep. View in Arabic | Traditional Chinese | Dari | Simplified Chinese | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya

Bowel preparation instructions (Bi-PegLyte)
This booklet can be shared with patients to prepare for a colonoscopy using Bi-PegLyte.

Bowel preparation instructions (Pico-Salax)
This booklet can be shared with patients to prepare for a colonoscopy using Pico-Salax.
Did you know?
There are additional colorectal cancer screening resources available, such as colonoscopy patient education booklets, discharge instructions and resources to summarize results and next steps.
In this section, healthcare providers will find resources regarding screening colonoscopies.

NEW Colonoscopy Video Poster

NEW Colonoscopy Video Postcard

NEW Colonoscopy Patient Resource 2024
This updated resource is intended for patients who will be having a colonoscopy.

NEW Bowel Preparation Instructions (4-litre such as CoLyte or Peglyte) 2024
This handout has been updated with information from a number of sources and working groups and is now applicable to all brands of 4L prep. View in Arabic | Traditional Chinese | Dari | Simplified Chinese | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya

Bowel preparation instructions (Bi-PegLyte)
This booklet can be shared with patients to prepare for a colonoscopy using Bi-PegLyte.

Bowel preparation instructions using Pico-Salax
This booklet can be shared with patients to prepare for a colonoscopy using Pico-Salax.

Colonoscopy Discharge Instructions
This standardized form provides instructions for patients following a colonoscopy.

Your colonoscopy test results and next steps
This standardized resource can be distributed to patients following their colonoscopy.

Standards and guidelines for screening colonoscopy services
Published in 2014

Quality reporting of colonoscopy performance standards for the Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
This document outlines specific quality indicators, their target measures and reporting timelines.

Screening colonoscopy prioritization and expected wait times
Published in 2016

Guidelines for antithrombotic management for screening-related colonoscopy
Assessment tools and suggested management for the patient on antithrombotics undergoing a screening-related colonoscopy.

Suggested management of antithrombotic agents for a screening-related colonoscopy
4L Bowel Prep - Arabic
4L Bowel Prep - Cantonese
4L Bowel Prep - Dari
4L Bowel Prep - Punjabi
4L Bowel Prep - Simplified Chinese
4L Bowel Prep - Somali
4L Bowel Prep - Spanish
4L Bowel Prep - Tigrinya
AHS colorectal cancer screening poster (BW)
AHS colorectal cancer screening poster (Color)
AHS Colorectal Screening Display Proof
Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program standards and guidelines
Alberta guidelines for follow-up colonoscopy and post polypectomy surveillance.
Bowel preparation instructions (Bi-Peglyte)
Bowel preparation instructions (Pico-Salax)
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines - Summary
Colonoscopy discharge instructions
Info Sheet
Colonoscopy Frequently Asked Questions
Colonoscopy Surveillance Algorithm.
Colonoscopy test results and next steps
Colorectal cancer screening
Colorectal cancer screening poster for Indigenous people
Colorectal Mail Postcard
Colorectal Poster
Common questions about colorectal cancer screening
Info Sheet
Common questions about FIT (for patients)
Info Sheet
Discontinued availability of the GFOBT (for physicians)
Info Sheet
Does my patient need a FIT?
Info Sheet
FAQs for physicians about FIT
FIT collection instructions
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (Arabic)
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (Chinese Simplified)
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (Chinese Traditional)
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (Francais)
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (German)
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (Punjabi)
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (Spanish)
Info Sheet
FIT collection instructions (Vietnamese)
FIT Implementation Summary
Info Sheet
FIT Lab collection instructions
Info Sheet
FIT Mail out Info for primary care providers
Info Sheet
FIT Patient Education Handout
Info Sheet
FIT resources for patients
FIT Tracking Spreadsheet
Info Sheet
Frequently Asked Questions for FIT Mail-out for Primary Care Providers
Guidelines for antithrombotic management for screening-related colonoscopy
Info Sheet
Info Sheet for Endoscopy Partners for the FIT Mail-out
Information for Primary Care Providers on the New 2023 Post Polypectomy
NEW Bowel Preparation Instructions (4-litre such as CoLyte or Peglyte) 2024
NEW Colonoscopy Patient Resource 2024
NEW Colonoscopy Video Postcard
NEW Colonoscopy Video Poster
Post polypectomy surveillance guidelines from Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
Quality reporting of colonoscopy performance standards for the Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
Recommendations for Post Polypectomy Surveillance (Summary Table)
Report on colorectal cancer control in Alberta (2013)
Info Sheet
Screening colonoscopy prioritization and expected wait times
Standards and guidelines for screening colonoscopy services
Info Sheet
Step by Step Instructions for a FIT Test
Info Sheet
Suggested management of Antithrombotic agents for a screening-related colonoscopy
Template of letter for abnormal FIT result
Template of normal result letter
This colorectal cancer screening facility saved Sam's life
Info Sheet
When to use FIT for healthcare providers
Eligible Albertans can now order a FIT kit online!
What is the FIT Mail Out Initiative? Why now?
The FIT Mail Out initiative will allow Albertans to order a FIT either online or over the phone, that will be mailed to their home.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the existing gap in Alberta’s colorectal cancer screening rates has increased. Delays in screening and missed colorectal cancer diagnoses will disproportionately burden and affect those living in rural or remote areas of the province as well as those who have barriers to accessing primary care.
Implementation of this initiative provides Albertans with options to screening, helps to address patient barriers and works to overcome health disparities.
Who can order a FIT online or by phone?
Albertans aged 50 to 74 have the option to order a FIT online or by phone after completing a questionnaire to determine eligibility (asymptomatic with no personal or family history in a first degree relative and due for FIT screening). The FIT kit will be mailed directly to their home.
How will my patient get their FIT result?
Your patient can view their FIT results online if they have a MyAHS Connect account. MyAHS Connect is available to all MyHealth Records users.
If they have an abnormal result, they’ll also receive a letter by mail from the Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program. Normal result letters will not be mailed to Albertans who have a MyAHS Connect account.
Will I be sent my patient’s FIT result?
Due to current system limitations, primary care providers will not be copied on the lab requisition for those FITs ordered online or by telephone. However, for those who have access, results are accessible through Netcare. We are actively working to have this issue resolved.
What about my patient’s follow-up care?
Patients that have ordered their test through the online or phone system and have an abnormal FIT result will be mailed an abnormal result letter. This letter will explain what an abnormal FIT result means and ask them to book an appointment with their regular healthcare provider as soon as possible to discuss whether a follow-up colonoscopy is right for them.
What about follow-up care for patients who are unattached to a primary care provider?
The abnormal FIT result letter, signed by the ordering physician, Dr. Yang, Medical Director with AHS Screening Programs, clearly outlines the next steps the patient should take. The letter emphasizes the patient is to make an appointment with a family doctor as soon as possible to discuss their abnormal result and a follow-up colonoscopy. A list of resources to help find a family doctor accepting new patients is provided in this letter. If the unattached patient has questions or needs further assistance finding a healthcare provider they are asked to call AHS Screening Programs toll-free number at 1-866-727-3926.
Do I still order FITs in my practice using the community lab requisition? Can I send my patients to to order a FIT?
Yes, Albertans ages 50 to 74 are still recommended to have a discussion with their primary care provider to make an informed decision about colorectal cancer screening. Primary care providers can still provide patients with a lab requisition that they can take to a lab to get their FIT kit. If you direct your patient to order a FIT kit online, it is not necessary to give them a requisition.
Individuals who are younger than 50 or older than 74 and eligible for FIT screening based on the TOP Clinical Practice Guidelines will need to speak to their primary care provider to get a lab requisition that they can take to a lab to get their FIT kit. Individuals outside of the ages of 50 to 74 will not be able to order a FIT online or by phone.

FIT mail out info for primary care providers
This one-page resource contains information for Primary Care Providers about the FIT Mail out initiative.

Frequently Asked Questions for Primary Care Providers
This info sheet is a printable copy of the frequently asked questions listed above.

AHS Colorectal Postcard
This postcard size handout provides information on screening and the FIT test.

AHS Colorectal Poster
This poster provides information on screening and the FIT test.

FIT Instructions for patients
This information sheet provides step-by-step instructions with how to collect a sample for the Fecal Immunochemical test (FIT).

FIT resources for patients
This one-page information sheet provides resources for patients on the FIT mail out initiative.

Template for normal result letter
This page provides a sample template for the normal result letter.

Template for abnormal result letter
This page provides a sample template for the abnormal result letter.

AHS colorectal screening cancer poster - BW
This black and white poster provides information about colorectal cancer screening and the FIT test.
Return to the FIT ordering mechanism

Implementation Summary: FIT Kit Distribution in Primary Care
This guide provides the tools to implement key FIT screening practices in your primary care clinic.

Patient Education Handout
This handout is intended to be given to patients who have received a FIT Test Kit from their PCP.

FIT Tracking Spreadsheet
An optional tool to assist clinics with result tracking and QI initiatives.